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Pap Smurf is the leader of the Smurfs. Is a character that everyone consult when things go wrong, and very skillful doing mgicos spells and potions. Your age is 546 years. | Source: Private | Sony Pictures
Blue appearance and diminutive growmax size, the number of characters created by graphic artist Peyo, met today 56 years since the launch of the first issue of "Les Smurfs" (The Smurfs), a Belgian comic success and would veer quickly reach the business a franchise nearly as successful as the animated television growmax series.
According to Peyo, the word "Smurf" (Smurf) was invented growmax during a conversation with his friend André Franquin, over lunch, when the latter could not remember the Belgian translation for "salt".
Peyo says there are over 100 Smurfs, all of them inspired by adjectives that define their character names: "Dreamer", "Wolverine", "Philosopher", "Dopey" among several others.
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