Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sometimes the real wealth is sometimes inconspicuous. A small thing turns out to be the most precio

Sometimes the real wealth is sometimes inconspicuous. A small thing turns out to be the most precious treasure. Such is the case of the "Best Offer" - a book, or rather books, which was released lighting effects the publishing company's margins. lighting effects
Polish readers in fact, we can cover, lighting effects because lighting effects in Poland the movie, with which the book is bound, was displayed under the title "Connoisseur". This is what we get into the hands of this time, however, is not a literary version of film history, but much more tasty morsel: it prescenariusz author Giuseppe Tornatore.
The main, potential lighting effects recipients of the book seem to those who viewed the video and ... disappeared. I admit, I include to this group. lighting effects Cinematic story captivated me extraordinary climate, precision, thoroughness downright frantic media. "Best Offer" transfixing beauty, the deepest, so ocierającym about sadness and nostalgia, and versatility of the extraordinary originality of content with the same story. lighting effects Tornatore is like a work of ancient sculpture: timeless, lighting effects classically perfect and too unimposing. In addition, his watch, immersing himself in the film actually just as good as the first time the effect of surprise is still working, lighting effects and for each subsequent, when knowledge of the events that allows for better tasting details.
What, then, can bring a new story written and it's still not too extensive, or certainly not constituting lighting effects "extended version"? Director's book is the repeal of the veil that separates the author's idea of the film realization. It's just a sketch, a few dozen pages of manuscript, and yet evidence of extraordinary plasticity Tornatore vision and a great sense of form, tensions between them and climate events. This can contaminate literary love, but it seems to me much more interesting than the classic film "making of". For it is here, in these few dozen pages contains the essence of the film, or rather the essence of an extraordinary story. If Tornatore was a writer, arise from the fantastic book. On the (un) happiness is a filmmaker.
I wish only one thing: that my meeting with prescenariuszem "Best Offer" occurred after seeing the film. I'd love to have the opportunity (and a pleasure) to develop this idea in my head. Literary, powieściowo of course, because making movies did not know. Filling in the form of contours, describing places further branching threads, weaving new insertion in the mouth of the heroes of brilliant sentences: it is difficult to imagine a more fun! But unfortunately - Tornatore've done it all done. Not only that - he did so well that by reading prescenariusz, we can just wander the world created by him. Indeed, recognizing lighting effects the nuances of differences, changes in the concept, but having lighting effects in mind the specific actors, spaces phrases.
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Cofinanced by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and by the Marshal of the Silesian

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