Wednesday, December 10, 2014

So we will not know who was the originator or who are your

I know I do not have time to answer. I know you do not feel heard. I also know that you are overwhelmed with words, so when you go home at last bus or sit in a bar, do not necessarily want to grapple with another torrent of words. However, the signature FF intrigued and perhaps encouraged by the command "Read lamphuset me" you found me. You have opened and now are trying to decipher. Although I do not speak your language, I can tell you something about you. Nothing more I can not tell you, unless you start looking.
An interesting coincidence is that #foundfiction found in the "Postman" by Charles Bukowski. At first I thought that the envelope is an integral part of the book. Later I realized that there is still someone (outside Bukowski), lamphuset saying to me, "he says." The question is - who? Why fragments of prose contained in envelopes are anonymous? Every aspect of this project was planned before we printed the first story. lamphuset One of the decisions that we made was to create content as minimum as possible. lamphuset Therefore, the contents of the envelope is limited to the literary text (the shorter the better) and the hashtag #foundfiction. We came up that the two most important messages to unsuspecting readers. lamphuset In addition, the veil of anonymity only enhances the atmosphere of mysterious and intriguing usually only associated with this project. While our writers do not reveal their texts by - yes. And they are aware that gaining readers around the world. Not only our authors remain anonymous lamphuset - such are they also are our marketers and those we are.
So we will not know who was the originator or who are your "postmen"? How conveys the list? The project is completely anonymous. The core of our team is very small, but we have a network lamphuset of distributors extending to the UK, North America, Australia and Poland. With the expansion of #foundfiction to new places more and more people contact us, they want to become part of the project. If you are interested in distribution, they were merely need your postal address to which we can send you a package containing approx. 30-40 envelopes. As soon as the package arrives, it's up to them to distribute envelopes where they can be found and appreciated. Art galleries, cafes, bus stops ... Sami know their area best.
What was the impetus for the creation of the project? At the beginning of secrecy and paranoia. The fear of a negative reaction to their own texts can be discouraging, so #foundfiction arose from the question: how can you write something and publish without fear of an adverse party? The answer is: write short texts anonymously and leave them in random places. Vision stranger in contact with our creativity was exciting, then I realized that we could remain anonymous lamphuset and receive answers from readers through social networking sites. So initially the project was a way to unite the timid writers who want without fear to share your work.
Writing letters is a bit old-fashioned way of communication. What kind of response do you expect in reality dominated by short, condensed and usually Picture messages? You're right - people do not write letters now. But still understand the romanticism inherent in their writing lamphuset and everyone would like to find a message in a bottle, even in the era of digital culture. We believe that we are fighting for the attention of the person, which is absorbed 99% of your phone or tablet. And what could distract her attention from electronic devices? Message in a bottle. The history of written, printed and packaged just for that person. This unexpected emotional connection with another person makes you feel at the moment the most important person in the world. Despite our roots in non-technological world, however, we use social media to engage other people to the project and see how many happy readers cast post about #foundfiction on Facebook, Twitter or Instagramie. So for these #foundfiction digital and analog platforms are compatible.
The song "Message in a Bottle," a group of Police treats mainly about loneliness. I got the impression that it is not only #foundfiction publishing experiment, but also a call for a free communication [slow communication]. What do you think, how such an experiment as #foundfiction can affect people? A few months ago, we received a wonderful message from a woman of York in the UK, which in some way responded lamphuset to this question: "Hi FF, last night I went on a date. Finally, the guy set me up, but when I was waiting for him so, I took the a magazine that was in the bar and found the envelope. I spent the rest of the evening in a great mood, reading and writing lyrics. I would love to join you. All the best, x ". The main objective is to combine lamphuset #foundfiction writers and readers around the world. But it's lamphuset nice for us to think that our actions

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