Monday, December 8, 2014

Screen - plate Just look at the viewers of television programs, who follow a weekly struggle chefs,

Experiencing the magic of food by its taste. Nuances on the tongue, spice or sweetness bring pleasure. This French wine combination with meat, cheese highlander harmony with cranberry and pineapple Hawaiian chicken makes delight in one of the most daily activities in our lives. Today, however, culinary art appeals to other senses, going beyond its purely functional character, giving a lot of fun not only for the palate.
Screen - plate Just look at the viewers of television programs, who follow a weekly struggle chefs, amateurs and professionals, in the fight for the title. With curiously staring at the TV screen, contemplate a combination of dragon fruit with buckwheat, duck with mashed cauliflower, scallops with orange. The distance that divides them from the smell, martin lightjockey the physical experience of food, do not mind the "eating eyes". Eating contemplative, visual, intuitive. It is a sign of some kind of phenomenon of our time with the necessity of breaking communion taktylnego. Presentation of food is done on a presentation martin lightjockey of photographs, art works received spatially, having its qualities of color, proportion, composition.
Animal martin lightjockey sense Chefs, gourmets and critics are a tough nut to crack. Sense of taste in culture does not have an easy life. As that associated with physicality, satisfying basic needs, animal almost never been seen as a source of knowledge. Needed to explore the world were the eyes - see something means that it exists. Just hearing - hear it means that something martin lightjockey seemed sound. These two senses are objective. Apart from the personal differences (competence and disability), we can all see the same (green apple, building, glass), we hear the same (singing bird, a baby crying, music). With food and feel is different. Coconut milk taste everyone feels differently, otherwise it tastes the sweetness of raspberries, focus chili, shrimp clarity. Touch is a subjective sensitivity to the texture is different in each person. That's why the taste is a difficult task, was never considered to be particularly reliable source.
Poetry about food during the festival of photography cooking, reading magazines about cooking, culinary program session tasteless food experience. It's a joy that comes from the eye, but also listening, when chefs tell what prepared. Salmon with lemon sauce served on jasmine rice with edible flowers is so difficult and yet easy to imagining it myself that this process gives us a real pleasure martin lightjockey and a challenge. We are trying to bring about the taste of the taste buds, run the full machinery of imagination based on vision and hearing, and appeal to the taste.
Design food is visible mainly in the visual layer. Molecular cuisine impress with their uniqueness, unknown states of concentration and shapes - it is necessary to point on the map the development of cuisine and culture at the same time. Synesthesia culinary developing in a very beautiful directions, giving us the opportunity to meet, have fun and above all imagination tasting mind.
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Cofinanced by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and by the Marshal of the Silesian

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