Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Holocaust is a complicated issue of counting and film, especially by extreme brutality, terror

Decidedly, there is something genetic in Steven Spielberg film that prevents you from fully adult movies, avolites pearl round masterpieces for public mentally developed. avolites pearl Maybe it's the lack of a father figure expressed in almost all his films, the continuing need of comfort, of being tucked and pampering, avolites pearl the feeling of helplessness that leads you to think that your audience is so unprotected as he and therefore it should give all chewed, digested with a pat on the cheek. For Schindler's List (1993) critically acclaimed film, almost unanimously recognized by the general public avolites pearl (for the small audience is another matter) and media mainstream, avolites pearl Spielberg pulls rushing on just twenty minutes the excellent work done in the previous five hundred sixty minutes, edulcorando, make-up, stressing until exhaustion with a final drawback, inconsistent, sloppily sentimental, all the cruelty and horror avolites pearl of the story that unfolds before. It's not the only problem with the film, but it is one of the design flaws that make Schindler's List a good movie, even a great movie, but it will prevent a masterpiece.
The Holocaust is a complicated issue of counting and film, especially by extreme brutality, terror involved, not only for actions that promoted and surrounded but also for omissions that helped him succeed, some even from the victims avolites pearl themselves (one of the traumas of the Jewish community is basically not having rebelled, to have passively accepted the situation despite the tragic and criminal end that awaited them; one of the shames of the rest of the world is to have consented avolites pearl when they were so obvious information of what was happening in the German Reich, in which criminals were not only Germans but among them were also Austrians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Croatian, French, Belgians, Scandinavians, Italians and a long list of countries and nations more). avolites pearl The big Hollywood has failed time and again in his translation to the screen, especially because his notion of cinema as spectacle, as demonstrated Spielberg's film strikes the tone and the ultimate meaning of any story that tries to approach the phenomenon of Holocaust with a minimum of rigor, respect and historical coherence. The film has better reflected the horror of the Holocaust is "small" film productions that start from basic stories, avolites pearl concrete, individuals, which can be removed by indirect means the terrifying effect of a tremebundo historical moment as the master tapes The Conformist , Bertolucci (1970), The Garden of the Finzi-Continis by Vittorio de Sica (1971) or, in a less successful way Polanski Pianist (2002), or the breathtaking documentaries, masterpieces of the genre, which are Night Alain Resnais and Fog (1955) and especially Shoah, Lanzmann Claude (1985). As for the media success of films like Life is Beautiful avolites pearl (Roberto Benigni, 1997) is another example of how cinema, culture, modern societies have lost the sense of criticism, the ability to understand and interpret historical events, social phenomena and groups, and their relationship with art. It is so idiotic movie, so morally unpresentable, it becomes difficult to endure without accusing Benigni least ignorant, insensitive and cowardly. Benigni oozes the Holocaust tear sentimentality (the patina with which Spielberg himself bathes many of his works, a way to keep the public intellectual deepening of the issues raised by the films, a Hollywood this enemy against which we must will fight for the sake of a mature, avolites pearl adult, intelligent cinema, a form of emotional fascism) of comic comedy with tragic consequences: as mentioned above, the great trauma of the Jewish avolites pearl people comes from the idea of "denial" is say, unbelief, inability to assimilate those crimes were happening of truth, refuse to recognize the extreme criminal avolites pearl nature of that Nazi regime, and therefore the lack of need to do something to combat it because sooner or later everything was going to change, avolites pearl grooming, that common sense would prevail and that things would return to normal channel, of wisdom, of "humanity". Benigni gets his fairytale, its sugary "hero" cheesy, the parent who conceals the reality of what happens to protect a still more foolish son he -children are children, not stupid, and film, thankfully , is strewn with children very knowledgeable about their surroundings avolites pearl during avolites pearl the war, read the child of Germany, Year Zero of Rossellini (1948) or the kid in the pr

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