Bogs. Lots of the earth's el medico noah gordon surface el medico noah gordon with abundant moisture is called swamp or marsh. In Ukraine, they occupy about 2% of the territory. Distributed mainly el medico noah gordon small swamp focused on Polesie and in river valleys. By the nature of power, el medico noah gordon shape and surface structure swamp vegetation is divided into three main types: lowland, transitional and tip.
In Ukraine, more fens. They are located in depressions - in the former lakes or in flood year. The surface of these wetlands concave or flat. Power is due to ground water, surface water runoff el medico noah gordon from the surrounding land, river water during floods and floods and rainfall. From river and groundwater in fens gets a lot of minerals, so it grows rich water-loving vegetation - alder, birch, sedges, reeds, horsetail, green moss. Peat is formed in such bogs can be used as fertilizer el medico noah gordon for farmland. The largest fens formed at Woodlands, in the valley of the Dnieper River and its tributaries, creeks Danube. Each year, the flood of water flooded el medico noah gordon in places where it is during the summer, formed swampy, impassable areas.
Apex lying swamps on elevated areas - mainly watersheds. They feed on precipitation, so these swamps poor in minerals. el medico noah gordon The vegetation that grows there, unpretentious, suppressed pine, cranberry, cotton grass, sphagnum moss. The accumulation of peat is faster in the central part of the swamp, than at the edges. Therefore el medico noah gordon apical marshes are convex. Peat bogs those used as fuel and raw materials for the chemical industry. More apical swamp in Ukraine is in Ukrainian Carpathians - in the reduction in Polonynskom ridge at an altitude of 1 800 g It was formed as a result of a number el medico noah gordon of small lakes waterlogging.
The transitional bogs are an intermediate stage between lowland and apical. Originally formed fens, rich in minerals and vegetation respectively. el medico noah gordon With the extinction of plant bog surface increases the access of water enriched with mineral compounds is limited, and vegetation changes less picky about food. Sphagnum moss appears characteristic of apical marshes el medico noah gordon for food which need only precipitation.
Wetlands el medico noah gordon are important water security value. They collect water moisture regulating levels in wells, pond, lakes. Of these rising streams and rivers. el medico noah gordon Bogs reduce drought in the surrounding area. Above them, forming a kind of microclimate, together with the aquatic environment fosters many wetland plants el medico noah gordon and animals. Until recently, large areas of wetlands drained in Ukraine. Drained land used as pasture and meadow. However, drainage of wetlands and led to negative consequences: reduction el medico noah gordon of groundwater, which led to the disappearance el medico noah gordon of water in wells, lakes shallowing. Therefore, about 10% of the wetlands in Ukraine are protected.
Classification of wetlands based on the features and power plants under waterlogging areas (small.). el medico noah gordon According peculiar power plants emit upland bogs (oligotrophic) lowland (eutrofnye), transitional (mesotrophic).
and - bog; b-fens; in - swamp, formed el medico noah gordon in overgrown lake; 1 - sphagnum peat 2 - sedge and willow-sedge peat, 3 - hipnovyy peat, 4 - reed peat, 5 - floating peat different composition; 6 sapropelevyy peat; Sapropel 7, 8 - sludge; 9 - breed 10 - water
Upland swamps formed on the upper terraces watersheds el medico noah gordon and river valleys. They are fed by atmospheric obpady el medico noah gordon poor in minerals. These marshes are common el medico noah gordon in the taiga-forest zone, at least in their forest and tundra south. The vegetation consists mainly of various sphagnum moss involving cotton grass, cloudberry, marsh sedge, sundew kruhlolistnoy, Scheuchzeria, shrubs - andromeda, cranberry, heather, myrtle, marshes and other trees predominate with pine, birch. In sphagnum bogs in some species living green moss (Kukushkin flax), lichens (kladoniya). el medico noah gordon The roots of plants are not faced with mineral soil, and located deep in the peat. Main power plants get from the atmosphere el medico noah gordon in the form of pollen deposited with rain water, the decomposition of plant and animal residues, thus have a low ash content.
The roots of plants do not face the mineral soil. Bogs convex surface el medico noah gordon with bumps, ridges, mochazhinnyh, lakes. Power peat neosushenomu condition ranges el medico noah gordon from 50 cm to 20 m or more, and drained - is at least 30 cm. Peat bogs slaborazlozhivshiysya, fibrous, which move from top to VYCHISKA moss. Its light color or light brown; he is poor in nutrients, has pronounced an acid reaction.
Fens are often in river valleys, lake basins, various small depressions all zones. They feed the grant and the behavior
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