Risks and benefits of growing sylvania light guide transgenic sylvania light guide plants is one of the hottest topics sylvania light guide of national media. On this subject, willing to discuss both the pros and diletanty. One of the arguments in the risk assessment given the lack of long-term experience in the cultivation of GMOs, so conclusions about the likely environmental and economic effects are done rather speculative. In the latest issue of the journal Science published the results of monitoring the cultivation of transgenic cotton from 1992 to 2007 in six provinces in northern China.
By 2007 the world's 14 million acres vyroschuvalos transgenic cotton, of which 3.8 million hectares in China. This cotton containing a gene for a bacterial toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt-toxin), constructed to combat the pest cotton scoops Helicoverpa armigera. Cotton scoop one of the most serious pest, the larva of which affects not only cotton, but also cereals, vegetables and other crops. In Asia, it provides for the season four generations. sylvania light guide Wheat is the main host plant for the first generation shovels, and cotton, soybeans, peanuts and vegetables - is the host for the next three generations. sylvania light guide The main farming sylvania light guide practices struggle was intense to 8-times during the season, finishing fields insecticides. However, this led to the emergence of insecticide-resistant scoops and as a result, sylvania light guide the number of scoops sylvania light guide outbreak in 1992 and, consequently, increase the intensity of treatment insecticides.
In 1997, the market produced the first transgenic cotton, which by 2001 already widely cultivated, leading to increased productivity and a sharp reduction in the use of insecticides to two irrigations per season. But this is only one side of the use of GMOs bavovonyku, and what are the environmental implications of shovels and other insects, not only in the cotton fields?
During long-term sylvania light guide monitoring were analyzed density impression scoops in fields 10 million small farmers who cultivate 3 million hectares of cotton and 22 hectares of other crops. The results were impressive. Since 1997, the density of larvae impression scoops decreases and decreases. Population scoops decreased not only in the transgenic cotton, but also on other crops. This is because cotton as host plant for the second wave of seasonal reproduction shovels, greatly sylvania light guide reduces this second wave, in accordance immediately displayed on the number of individuals of the third and fourth waves.
However, the biggest problem is the question of the possible sylvania light guide emergence of resistant to the action of shovels Bt-toxin. This will happen sooner or later, taking into account the laws of evolution. However, the probability of this event, you can try to delay time. To do this, along with the fields of transgenic cotton strip zasiyuvaty normal non-transgenic cotton, as it is practiced in America. Such measures lowering the selection pressure on scoop. In China, this technology is difficult to implement because it is necessary vkladuvaty extra money and effort in explaining and training of thousands of small farmers who do not understand why you need to donate at the mercy of the harvest sovtsi.
Simultaneously with the decrease scoops on cotton fields slightly increased the number of other pests - bugs of the family Miridae. This is because it is resistant to Bt-toxin, despite the fact that the intensity decreased use of insecticides. All this has created favorable conditions for the development sylvania light guide of this pest.
In general we can say that the results of the cultivation of transgenic cotton were very successful. A significant reduction in the use of insecticides sylvania light guide positive not only for the health of farmers, but also for the overall environmental situation in the agricultural fields.
Source: Kong-Ming Wu, Yan-Hui Lu, Hong-Qiang Feng, Yu-Ying sylvania light guide Jiang, Jian-Zhou Zhao. Suppression of Cotton Bollworm in Multiple Crops in China in Areas with Bt Toxin-Containing Cotton // Science. 2008. V. 321. P. 1676-1678. sylvania light guide
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In the UK pryuchastyy scientists of the Institute of Genetics Spain henetychesky modelyrovannыy First born child. 27-year-old woman gave birth on Friday sylvania light guide devochku sylvania light guide in kotoroj absent mutatsyonnыy gene sposobnыy sylvania light guide lead Subsequently k breast cancer development. In the words of Paul Serhala doctor, and mother, and himself novorozhdennaya chuvstvuyut Very Well "Эta family yspыtala assume, that takoe cancer protyazhenyy for many generations. Ona bыla much obespokoena vozmozhnostyu and occurrence of child эtoho deadly disease. sylvania light guide So reshyly ones with the same principles hold opredelennыe testы Status embryo, cell groups and Select what kotorыe be held nykakoy henetycheskoy sylvania light guide anomaly. "Bearer эtoho gene - Father devochky. sylvania light guide As a result of successfully provedennoy child to surgery now not hrozyt zabolet breast cancer risk, such kotorogo stradaly grandmother, cousin, mother and sister ottsa,
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