Judge personal sins of each of us is the Lord. But if a man preach any other teaching doctrine, besides giving decostar it as orthodox and without this blessing of the church (of 12 books, which had read, at no no blessing of the bishop), there is a quite natural and obligatory questions - what kind of teaching is and whether it is the teaching of the Orthodox Church? After all, the apostle Peter said: "Always be prepared for all who seek you to report your hope, answer with gentleness and good pleasure" (1 Pet. 3: 15).
Of course, the answer supporters doctrine Harafiny Makoviy is easy to guess in advance, "Petrovna Harafini not need the blessing of the Church and its teachings are true, because the information it receives directly from God Himself." But where we know that it is from God? In this regard, the Apostle John the Theologian says: "Beloved Do not believe every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets appeared in the world "(1 Jn. 4: 1) Especially since many of its tenets is contrary to Scripture and church tradition (this later). And that may match some areas or circumstances, which Makoviy reports and the fans constantly boasted decostar no means conclusive evidence of divine revelation, because demons and those things, of course, well known. This is what St. Augustine wrote: "For evil spirits, wanting to keep a person in error, it obleschuyut showing that they see, according to her expectations and desires. [...] According to some secret judgment decostar seat of God fall fallen angels often influence how popuskayetsya sometimes have a lower impact on the world. From these ridicule and deception demons is that superstitious and sometimes fatal art of divination seers really opens up something from the past and the future and tells them a lot of this, later partly justified by events. These little luck stimulate and nourish curiosity, because they are more and more tangled and confusing others decostar fettered pernicious delusion ... ".
However Harafina Macs and her followers stubbornly and without somehow find such divine vision. But who can claim to be worthy of direct supernatural communication with God? "Can not Accept - said Rev. Gregory of Sinai - if you see that - something sensual eyes or mind outside or inside of you, whether it is the image of Christ, or an angel or a saint, or if you podastsya light. .. Be careful and cautious! "According to St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov:" The most dangerous and wrong way of prayer is when the one who prays is the power of his imagination or dreams pictures borrowing them, obviously, from the Holy Scriptures, and in fact is - with its own state , from his fall, with his sinfulness, with his self-deception decostar - these paintings flatters his arrogance, his vanity, his high-intelligence, their pride, fooled ... "Recall also the life of St. Isaac Caves, which spent seven years in a cave close, constantly being in fasting and prayer. Ven. Isaac never lay on the bed, just sitting refreshed themselves short sleep. Even with such a selfless life he appeared in the form of demons and angels Christ and seduced him. St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov, also at St. poklykayuchys. Isaac the Syrian, also said: "We know that the true saints of God are granted a vision of God's good pleasure only and action of God, not by the will of man and not by its own efforts - are granted suddenly, very rarely, in cases of special need, at the discretion of the strange god, and not have to like. " As we see in the case Harafiny Makoviy? It "puts the prayer" and immediately answered. That God speaks directly to her companion, who meet once if it wishes to ask a question. And even the nature of the "answers" decostar by visions that describes Macs often makes just feel embarrassed! In the book "Please accept" (p. 368) Harafini Petrovna "to pray" shows almost pornographic picture, and these "revelations" decostar is not rare. Surely decostar the Lord sends such a vision? Is it in the writings of the Holy Fathers can be found such shamelessness?
As already mentioned, the topic of sexual perversion often the case in books Makoviy. In fact, in today's society there is a problem, but why describe various distortions, deviations and sinful actions with unnecessary details that even ashamed to quote directly if there are more reserved and concise expression: fornication, adultery, bestiality, and so on. D.? What benefits have such detailed narrative and whom they like? Go and shock zdorovomyslyachoho Christian cause also rituals that "knocks the prayer" Harafini Makoviy. decostar
For example, for feeding pets remnants of food from the table should be "obmastyty tvarynyachymy sewage face, arm (from the elbow down) nipples (and men) man in the middle nachertaty's genitals
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