. The regional committee wrote: Events in the Verkhovna Rada take serious nature. Successful promotion of storming the Parliament building "Afghans" and "Chernobyl" has caused in the ranks of the popular knopkodavy panic. Many of the people's deputies hastily, as happened, straps, rip off his deputy badges. ====== Stsykuny, blah. Roasted smell, so they take off and badges, membership cards and bury ... Nothing, sp41 the most active people in the person sp41 knows. Dick was not in the drawer daily glow. It kanesh can escape and in a dress - but in fact punishing hand still would get ....
. A couple of years ago I published already, these fragments of Dunno. But again - too relevant sp41 today this tale Nosov. sp41 A feeling that the author in a time machine was moved from the 64th year to 50 years. This is - for us. Everything - about us ... === Laws: - And who are these ...
Grandmothers with Daunbassa let house sitting ... they already have done business sp41 trip ... when I remember these videos 1 year ago when they were dancing in the elections for Yanukovych or 200 hryvnia, then as much nauseated ... Basically it they brought him to power. ..
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