Friday, November 21, 2014

As you can see, with this assessment is not put 12 points as the highest score deserve special type

Vacation bulbtronics ended ... | "Green People": an interesting life and self-improvement
Teachers bulbtronics joke that there are three reasons to work at the school: it is - June, July and August. But there is little prychynky - seasonal holidays. We, the teachers can give way notebooks, tidy room, and decide their own affairs.
This system has been tested by me personally over twenty years of teaching, like the disciples. bulbtronics The authorities also do not mind some colleagues want to learn it. What brought me to this way of evaluation? We all know the peculiarities of teaching physics: a lot of stuff - not enough time, laboratory and task control. About thorough survey of one - two students are out of question. How to mark two or three sentence bulbtronics answer? bulbtronics
I decided to invite students to make an assessment vprovdovzh few lessons .For the correct answer, additions, even interesting question a teacher in a special notebook puts a "plus", "pivplyus" -if there was some uncertainty, the wrong answer is "minus" .Uchen "nazbyruye" 5 badges and gets a:
As you can see, with this assessment is not put 12 points as the highest score deserve special types of students: the Olympics, their experimental tasks, training and protection projects and so on.
The more attractive, such a system? First, it encourages the student to be active; Second, students are not afraid to answer, not to spoil your assessment, however, try to continue to be careful and think better; Third, children with different abilities trying to make a good assessment may also .Ne all solution "yazaty task is no secret that some people do not even know how to mark the physical size. However, smart uyani time navodyaty very interesting life examples, carefully and accurately make measurement, good plot scheme and others. For the teacher it is important to notice the weaker students and zaoohochuvaty them. The children quickly and willing to accept change.
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