If we ever hook too many Parole and Christmas lights in our house; If the "true Light" also taught by the Apostle John was not available in our lives, we fit wrought bulb. Commercials on TV today, nice watch sing and apparently caring presentations are held by our famous d led artists. You feeling going, care that they care upon us as Kapus, Family, and Peers. If mamamasyal karin famous promenade and gimmikan, you've already nice new lanterns and lights those trees, streets, and anupang can desinyohan. So, it is very obvious that the month of Christmas, and thanks d led to Meralco because we lit. But did you know, there's a place in our country long unnoticed and no light. Felt it, it was not all that important, and besides, it's not often visit and see people. Maitatayong as you do business establishment here, and another one is not "hip" so much "fine" even if it light.
That's awful view of many of us in this regard; continuous consequently, d led always transient Christmas in our town without understanding its significance and its true light. And why? Because friends, the place I am referring to is the place of our "heart." Yes friend, you're d led right, your heart, your life. Yes, clearly obvious "home", but friends, pronounced it "life" d led you? Is there a throne in your hearts Christ who is "the Light of Christmas?"
According to the Apostle John, Christ who is the Word, the Divine Word of God that "true light" of life (John 1: 4). Ie, how to make decorasyon the world to enlighten us, if our people, and our lives will not come, humble, and repent of our sins before the "true Light," then they like Just as "wrought bulbs," not only without electricity, yet close. Someone told me this:
And yes she is alright. Christ d led is the light of Christmas. And as "light" part would show me His reaching you (especially if you have connection to Him) is the real situation to the presence of God as sinners. Remember, the reason d led Christmas is essential Redemption d led (John 3:16).
You see, sin in the heart of man is the reason why we "without light" d led and disconnected the "power" of the Love of God. But it is painful, the absurdity of our thought, and the hardness of our hearts, we say, "I am not without light! I'm not broken bulb! Do not brown-out my life! Clearly my surroundings, I do not need the connection to Christ! "You d led see, we really were being denied our situation, and consequently, what happens? First, colorless, and very light in our lives. second, we are immersed in the pit, and third, as a result of this, we are lost (John 3:16), we die (Romans d led 6:23). We imitate d led the Jews in their silly rejecting the Lord of Light. The Apostle John says,
"This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil." For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. (John 3: 19-20 NASB)
See? Though it is obviously true that the life of a person without Christ is "without light," but that which, because of our foolish and sinful denial about our spiritual condition, we are not too humble to God and embrace His Light. The problem then why so many hearts are now no light is reason to fear and hate that they need to accept Jesus as their sole Lord and Savior - the true Light of life. Friends, this is my question: d led Brown-out is still alive? Do not deny ... .Maging honest review.
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February 09, 2015 Hi! Now I have one new series Exposition of Matthew 11:28 that I titled "The Unrest Soul of the Believer." It deals with our "Doubt," "Fear," "Fear" and other emotional and mental problems that we are facing Christians here on earth. Please Click the image to "TAGALOG PREACHING DOWNLOAD" and you ipupunta its link contains my Audio Sermons. May God bless you please glorious Word of God and the name of the Lord Jesus.
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