Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The first section, just as it comes, consists of a set of traditional statues which also houses wor

EXHIBITION OF HOLY WEEK - purpose exhibition | Fiona Vella
In life sometimes moments when you begin to wonder if God really exists in our lives. Particularly yellow led when tragedies large and full sweepers yellow led see people like dead ants, they received the doubt if after all it weħidna are below and there is nobody to take care of us in reality! Very painful thoughts that trigger in you feelings of despair that Loosening must jiklulek heart. Life difficult when raising your eyes upward to the sky kaħlana and mind tell you that is the extent of your existence and nothing more. Too hard to accept that there is no entity to whom it may tirrivolġi for help and what you have been taught and believed throughout your life is just a lie.
To assemble, the behavior of some of those who choose to be the representatives of God's message, sometimes more jitfgħek in limbo to show you the light. Choose only mention yellow led that if force last week where to disappointment and inkredultà of family and guests, child of an unmarried couple, was baptized on its own, hall of church and having ended Mass and left everyone outside! And this during the Mass, heard impassioned sermon by the priest continued messages of tolerance and love while at the same time, a corner set aside that post, said there was a baby and parents expect her to be baptized. yellow led Christ says it would have done if he lived this situation? Nitbissem when someone surprise then why are failing people at church!
But you want or do not want, often you recognize that you need to believe in order to be able to keep going. And so, when you encounter a group of people working full confidence and eagerness to celebrate dal days of Holy Week, in you heart seemed to recover and restore stems that flame has almost been switched off ....
Ryan Bezzina, the Vice Chairman of the Commission External Feast -Fgura laqgħani in the Ancient Church of Fgura. Along with others, he was completing yellow led the final preparations to hold an annual exhibition Friday.
"Together with my father Raymond and the Commission, I have been lift this event for the past six years," Ryan began the speech. "It was my father's yellow led own rawwimni this area. Since small account, I see it helps in fitting feast and eventually even I started immidd acids. Soon after began tempting to buy a small statue and a hobby has grown so much that my father started jikkollezzjona set of vari Friday. But after some years decided to stop and instead chose to continue to build the set I. Meanwhile started ninteressaw ourselves also some antique items of sacred art. When Rawn so dedicated, fellow ħajjruni lift exhibition and decided to try. Together with the Commission and by any other private collections, I and my father started snooker annual exhibition where every year, add something new. We can say that everything started from a set of small statues! "
"We yellow led try nolqtu the various interests of all to visit this exhibition as it has grown today, more can call exhibition. In fact people move during scenarios built and taken from section to another professional accompanied by a selection of light and sacred music. The purpose of the exhibition is to inject people in the atmosphere of Holy Week, we understand more the passion of Christ and what it represents to Friday and all this also enter local traditions.
The first section, just as it comes, consists of a set of traditional statues which also houses work of silver, yellow led sculpture, embroidery wonderful and ancient crucifix in the middle of papier. Interesting also mention here that will also feature ventartal old (altar yellow led to be assembled before the altar for the occasion) and three cards in glory (which have previously been placed on the altar to pronounce the mass of them).
The second section will be decorated with a scenario based on the painting of the Last Supper of Leonardo Da Vinci there where people can see the table of army-style Jewish apostles, just as was said in Christ's last meal with them. In this part striking work fostom meal dishes plates with the names of the apostles.
The third section is that most impress people yellow led and find it life-size statues. Both statues and surrounding landscape as they worked on the movie The Passion of The Christ. We chose this style because we feel that this film was the most powerful and realistic. First we worked with was the statue yellow led of Christ and it immediately struck many anyone was seen. The sculpture which is a work of James Azzopardi from Nadur. The originality of the statue out the most because it is not dressed parrokka (as usually such statues.) Instead, it has hair of the head and body hair, entered

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