Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Each controller has 3 DC PWM dimmers without power driver. The output can directly control the LED

Module Evaluation - demonstration of eHouse Ethernet Smart home @ Home Automation eHouse.Pro
Home_Automation eHouse is an advanced solution for electronic home, having implemented many algorithms, which operate independently of each other. Testing and Debugging controller behavior is much easier on a table than installed in the building. Demonstration / Evaluation Module should therefore be the first tool, which allows you to design the light in me and test the installation and configuration of home automation, but at the stage of design automation control. Smart home demonstration module eHouse4Ethernet allows the light in me you to test controllers, on the table without the need for much more time - consuming installation at home. Application of assessment module allows you to overturn myths and assumptions about the real controllers in the system close to the target environment. Evaluation Module allows testing of all Ethernet controllers: CommManager LevelManager another great EthernetHeatManager EthernetRoomManager - Ethernet scale - based controllers on the PCB of CommManager / LevelManager other medium based Ethernet controllers on the PCB of EthernetRoomManager Allows direct connection of the -input and output the light in me signals to the module: connected display for output status the light in me LEDs connected analog sensors lighting - phototransistor for visible light temperature - LM335, the light in me MCP9700, the light in me MCP9701 switches connected to the digital inputs connected LEDs for display dimmer level control IR Receiver EthernetRoomManager IR emitter to control the light in me external audio - video systems In addition, the demo unit has connectors for automatic testing of all Ethernet the light in me controllers, performance the light in me and hardware resources: digital inputs digital outputs measuring inputs - Analog / Digital converters PWM dimmers IR transmitter IR receiver case of doubt on whether the controller is ok, it is possible that the self - test software to test the module for any damage. In one part of the evaluation of the module, allows the light in me to determine the light in me if any problems are caused by automatic damage control bad module configuration error or system the light in me failure damage to the switch, Sensor, Dimmer, actuator the light in me Demonstration and evaluation of the results of the module: Module Demonstration has several sections to test control algorithms, functionality and configuration: Sections 2 output "Outputs" allowing simultaneous testing of two medium - sized controllers or one large "ADC "- sensors to evaluate all analog converter inputs / digital" Inputs "- digital inputs" IR Transmitter "- IR Transmitter" IR Receiver "- IR receiver" Dimmers "- PWM dimming normal and reversed" TEST "- self-controller - test section Digital input section - RESULTS It has installed LEDs connected to each digital output of any controller. Activation of the output will illuminate the light in me LED connected to a specific output of controller. Sections hove respectively 42 and 40 outputs allow testing of all types of Ethernet controllers. Digital Input Section - REVENUE
It switches installed "button" connected to each input (max 12), shorting to ground when the button is pressed. the light in me Connector inputs the light in me are compatible with standard ERM. Section the light in me dimmers - Dimmers
Each controller has 3 DC PWM dimmers without power driver. The output can directly control the LED driver power would insulator in two ways: Normal - LED Dimmer is placed between the output (anode) and the ground system (cathode) Inverted (INV) - placed between the output of the LED dimmer (cathode) and the positive voltage controller 3v3 (anode) In the dimmer uses LEDs for illumination level. Sections IR transmitter and receiver - IR infrared receiver section includes an infrared signal receiver IC for the self - test or control ERM with standard infrared remote control Sony IR transmitter section includes infrared emitters (LEDs emitting in the infrared) current limiting resistors to value safe controller and LEDs. It is used to test the transmission of control signals for audio - Video equipment from the ERM controller Unit Converter Analog / Digital - ADC
The section contains a set of sensors that can switch analog inputs for sensors: 15 MCP9700 or MCP9700 sensor up to 14 sensors LM335 with the necessary resistors to supply voltage (3v3) of controller (Pull Up) light

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