Monday, July 14, 2014

Theory intensification: If you look at the optimal training secondarily involved muscle groups clos

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Also, some of the muscle groups you listen less and others more? I'm sure it's happened to everyone who has something odcvičeno. You have set up your training volume where you put together harmoniously frequency of training individual muscle cogenerare groups and working volume, with the results that you expect harmonics in the form of perfect symmetry and it ups, thus it does not work? Not all motor units are involved as well, and we do not have the muscle fibers at the same rate in all parts of the body. Of which can be clearly inferred that the fight against disbalančním partiím not through harmonious training! Individuality is that not all muscle groups we will respond to the same frequency, volume and intensity as well, even individuality is that not all partiím just impulse of basic exercises and how I want to talk about imbalance! A broach the topic here individual workouts cogenerare build a solution to the problem of symmetry.
Biceps, Triceps and Calves: Is there a pile of guys here who will argue that the basic exercises optimally stimulate small muscle cogenerare groups that are secondarily involved in them and their impulse cogenerare need not isolated cogenerare exercises. This is true and not. Yes, without basic exercises cogenerare are a must! Just no training will not work if you do not stand no hard core pillars of the training of basic multi-articulated exercises, but the question cogenerare is whether that's enough? Will basic training exercises optimally stimulate secondarily cogenerare involved in the game (biceps, triceps, calves)? Based on their own experiences in the war of symmetry can after 7 years of training and not only its own training argue that this stimulation is optimal. It should these partiím more attention. Those who say you can "rukaři" (limbs guys), they can still close this topic and leave out the. You what you have with those portions of the problem, welcome! It is necessary to compare the muscle groups more intensified!
Theory intensification: If you look at the optimal training secondarily involved muscle groups closer, I see a new world, which offers cogenerare a wealth of possibilities. These muscle groups are regenerated more easily than large muscle groups cogenerare and because their training is conceptually less challenging to not! works only one joint and less motor units, so do not load CNS will not be so great. From my own experience I can confirm that these groups can train more often.
So the basic premise intensification secondarily involved muscle groups is increased frequency of training. If the arm expose to direct cogenerare stress once or twice a week and do not respond or respond poorly, cogenerare so I recommend as a first correction training frequency, or increase the load on direct work one day a week.
Those who understand that the optimal cogenerare training does not consist only of a dull intensity and periodization, welcome! If you are not enough, the basic cycles, which of course solves the premise training base, you can add Strength Training

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