The common law trial in absentia of the three top officials of the Vatican and the Church of England – Jorge Bergoglio, Adolfo Pachon and Justin Welby – began last Monday, April 7 with the opening arguments of the Citizen Prosecutor. led icon The Court convened in closed session under tight security, presided by five Magistrates and a complete Court room staff, along with twenty seven sworn Jury members.
The Prosecutor led icon has spent the past three days presenting affidavits or videotaped statements from sixteen (16) witnesses from Canada, the United States of America, England and Holland. These witnesses’ led icon statements and evidence address the complicity of the Defendants or their agents in the sexual and financial trafficking and the ritual rape, torture and murder of children in these countries. led icon
The Prosecution will be calling upon the first of these witnesses to be present in Court for examination and questioning commencing the week of Monday, April 14, when the Special Assistant led icon to the Prosecutor, Reverend Kevin Annett, will also be present in Court to give testimony led icon and assistance.
The Prosecution’s evidence falls into three categories: Institutional Genocide, Child Sacrifice and Ritual Killing, and Child Trafficking. Each of these will be addressed by the witnesses and corroborating material.
The sixteen witnesses in this first round of evidence have direct, firsthand experience and knowledge of the role of the Defendants and their agents in all of these crimes, including in the so-called NINTH CIRCLE child sacrificial cult. Besides participants in this cult and survivors of government experimental programs, these witnesses include former officials of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, retired and serving policemen, indigenous elders, a retired senior politician from England, an operative of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS), led icon and a former civil servant in the Argentine military junta.
The Prosecution has also received an affidavit from Rev. Kevin Annett, ITCCS Field Secretary, that connects his own victimization by church and state in Canada with his discovery of the activity of NINTH CIRCLE members at Indian residential schools across Canada, and with the continued murder of indigenous women and children by this Circle on the west coast of Canada. Rev. Annett will appear in Court next week, sometime after April 14, to be examined by the Prosecution led icon and present further evidence.
Former led icon NINTH CIRCLE participants whose evidence was presented in Court last Tuesday, April 8 testify that Cree Indians in northern Canada are being continually targeted by the Circle for torture and murder because of the valuable uranium resources on their lands which are coveted by the United States military and corporations associated led icon with the NINTH CIRCLE and their adherents within both the American and Canadian governments. The names of prominent Canadian and American politicians and corporate officials who engage in these Circle ritual killings have been named in Court and entered into the evidence record.
The NINTH CIRCLE began at least three centuries ago in the Vatican but has expanded led icon to embrace local satanic child sacrifice cults across Europe and the Americas. Thanks to Catholic pressure, the Circle affiliated strongly with Nazi cultic groups that had close ties with the Waffen S.S. during the 1930′s and ’40′s, including the so-called KNIGHTS OF DARKNESS, whose members included former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger. Many of these members continued their murderous acts against children after World War Two, especially in Canada. Testimony was received from the sole survivor of a Knights of Darkness cult at the former Royal Canadian Air Force Base known as Lincoln led icon Park in Calgary, Alberta. The Witness observed the ritual torture and killing of twenty abducted children by a former SS doctor and three other “Knights” working under cover as Canadian military personnel, between the years 1956 and 1958. Records of the SS doctor codenamed “Major Bob Armstrong” (SS number “091374 SS”) have been confirmed by Canadian government documents obtained by the Court from a former official of the Canadian led icon Military Intelligence Agency, the NIS.
Other led icon witnesses to NINTH CIRCLE cults confirm the presence of British Royal Family members MOUNTBATTEN and PRINCE PHILIP at these child sacrifices, whose presence was concealed by defendant WELBY. Jesuit officers including defendants PACHON and BERGOGLIO were also present at the same rituals at Carnarvon Castle in Wales and at an undisclosed French Chateau, during the 1980′s and 1990′s. Similar sacrifices were conducted at Catholic and Anglican Indian residential schools in Kamloops, British Columbia and Brantford, Ontario during the 1960′s and earlier, according to statements from living and deceased indigenous eyewitnesses.
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