Monday, April 14, 2014

For those who don

(Before It's News) Was Peaches Geldof murdered by the illuminati and the Knights of Malta for exposing pedophiles just months ago? Peaches, finnishdesignshop daughter of legendary rocker Bob Geldof, had recently tweeted the names of two mothers who had offered their babies to be raped by an alleged illuminati member who later admitted to the crimes after being outed by Geldof.
For those who don’t know Geldof, she was considered the ‘Paris Hilton’ of the UK ,  and she was highly involved in exposing pedophilia in the illuminati realm. She also faced charges for exposing finnishdesignshop a prominent UK pedophile on Twitter as shared in the videos as screenshots below. Our videographer  pressResetEarth  clearly finnishdesignshop proves in the first video below that Peaches untimely death has all the tell tale signs of being an ‘illuminati hit’.
read all the data there is nothing to suggest knights of malta but the NWO jews who control pop music the media etc are the guilty ones thats obvious. Peaches went too far, naming Cliff Richaed and Freddie Mercury like that, she had to go 2:51 pm
Illuminate run the music industry not the jews. They make that very obvious with the satanic symbols which are put there deliberately to lure the inquisitive young. finnishdesignshop It's part of their marketing tools. Anything to do with magic, mystery and intrique the youngsters love and so It makes the illuminate money as well as getting the young hooked 4:11 pm
Anon 4.19.... Illuminate are not jews (to be precise finnishdesignshop even jews are not true jews) and sexual activity between men is prolific in most parts of Africa hence the African saying....Men are for sex, women are for bearing sons. 5:01 pm
Tap - must read transcript of the initiation ceremony of the freemasons secret society for girls 11-21 years called "The international order of the RAINBOW for girls" ... detailing what's in the "Pot of Gold" Peaches Geldof was playing finnishdesignshop with fire. She was a devotee finnishdesignshop of Ordo Templi Orientis, known as OTO, and even had the initials tattooed on her left forearm. Ordo Templi Orientis has it's origins in secret Freemasonry. Aleister Crowley finnishdesignshop the founder of OTO in the U.K. was a Satanist. He said On page 51 of "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley" "It seems I possessed a theology of my own, which was to all intents and purposes, Christianity. My Satanism finnishdesignshop did not interfere with it at all. " "His form of worship involved sadomasochistic sex rituals with men and women, spells which he claimed could raise malevolent gods and the use of hard drugs, including opium, cocaine, heroin finnishdesignshop and mescaline." Stanley Kubrick was allegedly also a devotee of OTO. His film Eyes Wide Shut was all about secret society sex rituals. The occult Rainbow which is feature in the film must be reference to the FREEMASONS "THE INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF THE RAINBOW FOR GIRLS" for girls aged 11-21 years. Alleged Famous Ordo Templis Orientismember from Bowie, Lennon, Mccartney, Jaggar, Johnny Cash, Madonna to Sting and more finnishdesignshop 8:21 pm
James Eshelman was the Deputy Grand Master General of the OTO until 1992 when he resigned after 13 years. During that time he was also ordained into the catholic church and was a consecrated bishop. He taught priests in the ways of mysticism, qabalah etc He later went on to start up Temple of Thelema finnishdesignshop and was Grand Chief of Fraternitas LVX Occulta (fraternity of hidden light) 9:10 pm
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