Monday, March 17, 2014

SIGNS OF NETWORK MARKETING. I want to keep many of the fraud, and write a few words about the chara

SIGNS OF NETWORK MARKETING. I want to keep many of the fraud, and write a few words about the characteristics of network marketing. This is important also because the country's unemployment and the so-called Network Marketing is very much active. Thank you for your attention. livermore bulb To date, the issue of financial pyramids is most acute. According livermore bulb to official data from the past 10 years in Russia appeared about 2000 (!) Pyramidal structures. A special situation occurs in the Internet, because it is a very convenient way of cheating citizens. So I would like to give you some tips so you do not fall for the bait scams, whether online or in real life. So what are the main features of financial pyramids? 1. Nil. Network marketing is primarily meant by a promotion of a particular product. If the organization to which you are invited, there simply is no product, it is a pyramid livermore bulb scheme. Or as the product may make items that have no material value. A striking example - all known pyramid "MMM", which featured "vouchers" livermore bulb - actually pieces of paper are not worth anything. 2. Profit by attracting other people. (Now offered by many insurance livermore bulb companies) If the main objective is to attract other people and your income is the sum of the money that bring these people (whom you called for the other), a company very clearly fits the definition of a financial bubble. 3. The product is there, but it has been ignored. From this point the fun begins and the more likely livermore bulb underway inexperienced people - it's livermore bulb disguised pyramid schemes. Product from them, like as there is, but for some reason it is used on the strength of 1-2 from all distributors. Most often it can be discounts on some services "club system" (luxury vacation - a very good example of this), training programs: computer literacy, livermore bulb foreign livermore bulb language, yoga, fighting off a tap dance on the floor of Japanese oak, etc. In themselves these products there is nothing wrong (and quite often no good), but that the company and its partners, posing as MLM, supposedly promotes these products actually receives income only from the money of new arrivals - it is not really. And on this basis, you can safely must conclude that such a company can be called a pyramid scheme, but with a note "disguised". But honor it does not add and fear should be not how much less than usual. 4. Overprice livermore bulb on "miracle product." You can offer to buy (and sell to others) U.S. commercials for 500 some, miracle plant, which is collected on the plantations in Zimbabwe, from which you will all ailments, etc. In fact as a miracle plant may appear dried plantain, which costs 5 rubles per kg. It's livermore bulb just an exaggerated example, but it is very clearly reflect the essence. 5. Subscribe before - win more! Even doing nothing! Very common slogans "piramidchikov." Here they seem to be saying to you, "quickly sign up, and then all will soon collapse." Do not succumb. 6. Confusing marketing plan payments. The MOU (the system on which you have to get the money) anything is unclear and confusing. Most often appear "matrix". 7. Buying parts from something. Offer to buy a square meter from the apartment, and a year to get the whole apartment. That's just to get it you have to draw a lot of people out of money which you might have and get an apartment. 8. No word on top management (manual). You do not give the names of those people who stand at the origins of the company. Or appear foreign absolutely unknown to you the names. As a rule, in normal companies, everything is transparent. 9. Offshore registration. (Singapore, Seychelles, Cyprus, Panama Oh-wa ...) implies a set of legal nuances that allow financial pyramids yet to be registered. Decent network companies usually are not registered in an offshore zone. 10. Endless motivation. Constant empty talk about financial independence, freedom, etc. Slopes of specific issues, very big promises that do not have no basis. But it is on the emotions people and maintained by deception. As motivators tend to perform very good speakers who can really lull, so there need to be extremely careful. Do not let your emotions and money grab power over you manage them yourself!
"I want to keep many of the fraud ..." - wrote BOT 1. Nil - what product your company? Humans? livermore bulb 2. Profit by attracting other people. - That you, personally friended 600 people, tomorrow will be 800, the day after 1000 and so on, your company you pay for it. 8. No word on top management (manual). livermore bulb name, and then I was so interested. 10. Besco

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