During basic training, lamp development we were not allowed to use a flash. It has been explained to us what types of flash units exist, and a small base of technique. In the second half year of training as a photographer's flash will only turn to me and this starts in september. More about flash, so follow!
Flash synchronization is the shortest time that the shutter is fully open. Today, this is between 1/125 and 1/250 second, lamp development and depends on the camera. This can be found in the manual of your camera (if you as soon not know where that is, you can always google manual). If your camera shutter speed is automatically set and allows you to flash, lamp development then the shutter speed is not shorter than your flash sync.
When shooting, you have two types of light, lamp development daylight and artificial light photographically. The photographic artificial light do you have in the form of picture lamp development lights (5500K) and strobes. The different types of flash I explain on the basis of the above image.
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Information This entry was posted on July 12, 2013 by lizetteschaap in technology and tagged as Alkmaar, Amsterdam, basic, basic photo academy, blog, camera, flash, flash, flash sync, photo academy, picture academy blog, photographer, photography, photography blog, hotshoe flash, artificial light, Netherlands, mission, pop up flash, flash reportage, handheld flash, student, lamp development studio flash, flash system, technique, ttl.
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