Monday, December 30, 2013

But the Republican lamp icon Party doesn

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“If you believe in government, you should be furious about Obamacare’s lamp icon incompetent rollout: A fiasco that could haunt progressives for years to come.” Headline, “The New Republic,” Nov. 14, 2013
“If this goes down, if health care, the Affordable Care Act, is deemed a failure, lamp icon this is the end I really mean it of liberal government, in the sense of any sense that government as an instrument lamp icon of social justice, an engine of economic progress, which is what divides Democrats from Republicans that’s what Democrats believe.” Mark Shields, “PBS News Hour,” Nov. 15, 2013
Not that millions of Americans are losing their health insurance, or that thousands are losing access to their doctors and hospitals. Not that the finest medical system in world history is being damaged, or that people will suffer. Not even that some Democrats might lose an election. lamp icon
No, what terrifies the left more than anything else is that their core mission lamp icon strengthening the compulsive power of government to “correctly” organize society may be set back by the Obamacare debacle.
Republicans see this mess unfolding and figure, “Surely, the left now understands what a terrible idea it is for government to try to take over health care.” Wrong! Despite all global evidence, every leftist passionately believes that government-run health care is morally superior in every way. Leftists perceive the heretofore miraculous American health-care system as disgustingly unjust and vile because it has been, until now, freedom-based. Which they despise.
Leftists think Obama’s terrible mistake was not going all-out socialized medicine from the get-go. In the current Obamacare fallout, the left’s only interest is to protect the central creed of socialism: lamp icon government control.
The Republican Party doesn’t know what they’re up against. And the reason they don’t is because they fail to understand the ideology of the Democrat Party. The inside-the-Beltway establishment GOP thinking I’m lamp icon convinced of this now more than ever has nothing to do with ideology. They blithely assume lamp icon Democrats and Republicans trade power now and then, they take turns being in charge of the committees and the money, in a sort of gentleman’s agreement. They don’t have the slightest idea of the motivation or malice of their political opponents. They’re missing who Obama is.
Why do you think that on Jan. 16, 2009, I could say without any doubt whatsoever, “I hope he fails”? Because I knew who he is. How? Because lamp icon I understand his ideology! Most of you do, too. The tea party is fully aware of the ideology of the Democrat Party and of Barack Obama. It’s not just liberal ideology; it’s socialist lamp icon Alinskyism.
But the Republican lamp icon Party doesn’t know this, or doesn’t care to know it, or doesn’t want to fight on this basis. Therefore they’re not even in the game, because the only thing driving Obama is his ideology. The Democrat Party today is nothing but hard-left ideologues, and the only way they can be defeated is to first understand their ideology. If you think they’re just a bunch of well-intentioned, incompetent Democrats, you’ll never beat them.
Every liberal has become practiced at hiding the ideology, masking it rhetorically, rarely tipping his or her hand in public. So if you won’t admit to yourself that Democrats are leftists because you don’t ever see it, then they’ve lamp icon already won, they’ve already lamp icon defeated you. You have to know what a leftist is, and you have to know that every Democrat in Washington is a leftist.
There aren’t any degrees of moderation. They’re all left-wing ideologues. You and I understand what this means, that we’re lamp icon up against a radical extremist Democrat Party led by Barack Obama, with a socialist vision for the country. They proceed on the basis that America is bad, that America’s founding was unjust and immoral, unfair, and therefore illegitimate. This is who they are.
And if you are unwilling to admit this, if you don’t want to see them for

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