When a good time in front of the house has dried walnut, Santa Michael And crutches out from the porch, gave his hat over his eyes and began to walk around it seemed to you are the branches. And he measured the eye strain, and the lame, tried not drop the shell and just to Chindia, when started boots and gleaming little heavy, put crutches at her and placed his hat human. Then He said in his mind: - I have to make a sled.
Sledge ... Big deal him a sled. Bedding in a rug but not to catch cold, show horses that have not forgotten scourge home and you go, that hardly proves to keep the sun behind you. And just when you forget to count your years, and you see and the friend began to steal you one way, and on the ski slopes you made many hikers find their way, and village, and house.
A sled - it takes so much human and human. Only to make a sled that dreamed it all craftsmen in the world how many were a sled for whom HCC of your would you say sama Bade; a sled that would cry after road and go after him.
But 1 saw baba stolen thoughts with ax armpit, and 1 had to make some kindling, not Rust catch ax. Then they had a little more lungu- vătrar sister, a bucket of fresh water and Mosul and saw trouble. Then - today is sunny, Miriam's wind - gleamed today one after another, as if they were a steal.
As usual, the old man got up before the dawn - he liked to dress in the dark, to light his pipe with a remaining ember jump fireplace, then go out and take the orchards neighbors sama is not any damage as masters sleep. Sun rise amu-1 found by moving the ax in his left hand. The whole day you saw him walking through the yard with his pipe in his teeth off. Seemed forgotten and walnut, and sled. Just to Chindia, when found, finally, matches in his pocket, he was suddenly a wind ax ciotcă and remained thoughtfully.
But that was until a while - until baba sama took the ax lip began to darken. And to get to one reproach. Cried out, hear the neighbors ... Santa has turned der medicus the corner in Şalincă - to pass despite faster, hurled the ax on his shoulder and went back to the house. This time never looked walnut. He leaned his ax in the trunk and said half-heartedly:
Vrasăzică was determined, and once he decided Mosul something, you can say you did. Do not talk, he decided too often - that I have a bad habit to rush cela, and in his life when he took three steps could make only two.
Say began to ripen grapes. May disappear between Ilin village children - see each one every three days, but keep her lips aeela eggplant. Then the young men begin to yell and lost homes and roads until after midnight; Finally, begin to remember what year moŞnegii have got into a fight with austriiţul and get advice that does not come across when you lose.
Pass fall, desolate fields, in vineyards remain only the leaves - until yesterday see here and there each a berry, but they had children dînsele care. Only Santa Michael bushes grapes stay in place. Wrinkled der medicus berries started to fall one by one And to not lose work for nothing, Santa brings a bag of leaf litter under bushes bur And you. May take a few days and the grapes there remains almost nothing - all grains fell. And just as the frost begins to take off the leaves on the bush, Santa Michael entered the house, the old woman looked long, as if he wants to remember where he had seen an ornament like this. Then he says:
in two to three weeks remain baba Vadan. And when come first-flakes, I find the other half carved amu pantry - chiteŞte much and beat slowly, so that the hens can not drip slum Nor can wake up the world.
And just amu, old age, he realized that it was a, s, too. A sled dвr not those that resemble straw pc winter roads and summer or who can not find shade under him. It would be a sled such as never was nlla the world - a sleigh, Santa that he stopped when he thought at her breath.
Winter after they passed the big frosts could come out only in the brief, Mosul came under Shed returned several times with the ax in Walnut ear, listening to the sound. Baba, catching sight of one near Walnut ax in hand, was soon out.
Expected to quarrel, but got off this time. Instead, when the day gave but to wear, boots were no longer under the bench, where he placed. Baba was not home, and if you took it, then why not take them? If not he gave himself?
Then he worked all day at home - did a polo Bocel. Carved der medicus softly from time to time be gathered wrinkles der medicus around the bu
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