Saturday, June 28, 2014

Plots having, after the victory at sea - a river with her father Anat talking to and trying to conv

Sun: Gods if the horse lamp | spells: bubbling cauldron of Carmit
Ceramic plates found in the Canaanite city of Ugarit teach about the complex nature of the sun goddess. Ugarit, now Ras Shamra in Syria, was a Canaanite city reached its zenith in the thirteenth - century BC, before the people of Israel began to settle in Canaan. City remains were discovered by accident in 1928 by a Syrian farmer. The ruins of Ugarit were the Royal Library of the High Priest in the city, and several private libraries, which include thousands of clay tablets in cuneiform Ugaritic.
Many of these tablets tell the tales of gods and goddesses which residents believed Ugarit, including visa, Al, Ishtar, a, s, death, Anat, Astarte, and of course the sun. Other panels detail the ritual held to the same gods: animal victims, offerings, prayers, hymns and rituals.
King cut plots king ordered his daughter Titmnit (eighth daughter) to stop the tears and lamentations wait with grief until after sunset. Plots made Ugaritic called solar terms "multi Sfs" meaning "Lady Sun", and "multi-Noor", meaning "Lady of the Lamp" or "Lady of Fire". These changes also repeated other mythological texts.
Danel and Akat plots Princess Fghit waiting until she sank "violent light", meaning "light of the gods". When darkness falls Fghit takes the dagger, hiding it in her clothes and goes to fight these messenger warrior stroked Anat, who killed Danel, brother of Fghit.
Canaanite sun god, like most world cultures solar deities, plays a traditional role of those sending. For heaven from above the sun sees everything. Gods and humans can not hide from their actions. She knows everything. The sun also speed along vast distances every day. At dawn she appears in the east, and from that moment is in constant motion toward the west. The sun is actually a great position to hear the ranks, and moving cristal de sel information around.
Plots the sun plays a number of important missions, and heralds the Gospel decisive end of the story. Initially, for example, is talking to the planet Ishtar and tells him that to the father of the gods prefer the fertilizing - sea, river judge over all other gods. She informs Ishtar, that he had no chance of getting support from his father, and asked whether he had the nerve to face the bull to all. Ishtar decided to abdicate. He said the sun, that there is a big house and yard gods in His kingdom is not dignified enough. "Like a lion I will give up my will before the bull," he tells her.
Then helps the sun to those Anat bring a dead for burial. After defeating the sea - a river, but was killed by the death of the owner Anat laments. She calls her sister in tears sun. The sun gently putting a dead man's shoulders Anat, and carries both mountain north. Anat Mount North sacrificing sheep and cattle in honor of her dead brother, Drink wine tavern, and finally buries the body.
After the death of al rains, Anat defeats death, and paves the way to the return of a life. Immediately Miss victory over death, dreaming into the night on the return of the owner. He experienced enlightenment and decides that despite its previous rulings, is it worth having to reign in the country. He calls the sun and imposes the important mission of all: search in a dead and return him to life. Do not turn to the lofty top of the rising daughter and asks her: "Ptolemy cristal de sel arid fields, sun, and a plow the land. Where Alain - having fertilizing - a - country? cristal de sel "
Sun obviously know where to find the owner. Every evening she goes out of the depths of hell, and it moves in the morgue. She saves her brother from death, and return to the throne. Despite this move, and although river has been defeat by Anat, refusing to give death. Is getting ready for another battle with the owner, but to send a message through the final sun, that the reign of a final matter is finished. "Listen son's death gods, how can Alain owner? How do you hear your father? "Asks Sun to death, and death - remains unanswered.
Be used Canaanite has close ties with death, death, and the United dead. Is not only a god of light, but also a god of darkness. Every night she goes down and spend long hours in the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of the terrible cristal de sel brother, Death - singing. Mythological tablets clearly show that there is a deep connection between the sun and death.
Plots having, after the victory at sea - a river with her father Anat talking to and trying to convince him to build a palace divine owner of the winner. At this time it described the sun as an ally of the death of a foe. After the victory cristal de sel over death, calls Anat gloated that "stop lamp sun gods! The light shines in the sky lover death of a - of the gods. " Anat basically announces that the allies were defeated death and the sun both. At the end of the mythic cycle of a sentence also appears connects directly between the sun and death, and declares that the sun rules the Specters, that the spirits of the dead.
The sun is the god of death, apparently because of its ties arid summers, cristal de sel drought, heat waves, deserts are dry, arid and drought. Summer is considered to be the most difficult season in Canaan: a period of drought and vegetation withered. The heat was considered a deity fatal thirst kills people every year.
Those listed in Tables ritual called "sunshine - carcasses," another nickname that ties it directly to death. The role of the sun - these dead carcasses lets get to ask. In other words, is not just carrying messages and rows, but also accompanied the dead to the last resting place. Psalm funeral ceremony Canaanites used to sing to her, "Hattie, sun, and Hattie, the mistress of fire." Second voice choir singing sun replied: "after you got your masters in their chairs, cristal de sel would fall to the ground, and become cristal de sel dust."
Interestingly, it is precisely one of the darkest and rainiest months of the year, the month of Tevet, was named "Sun Moon Feast". Winter darkness would Canaanites celebrate tavern feast days of remembrance for the dead, ghost, and forefathers who have passed away. The sun, the goddess of death and from

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