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C. Magdalena / In order to save energy, China began laborer an action plan to phase out the incandescent lamp and promote respectful of lighting environment, announced Thursday the State Commission for the development and the Reformation (CERD). CEDR adclar it would work with the United Nations Development Fund and the Global Environment. According to the NDRC, China is one of the largest producers and consumers of lighting products in the world. The Last year, it produced 4.44 billion incandescent lamps, or nearly a third of the world total. It has export 2.2 billion. The lighting currently represents approximately 12% of total electricity consumption in China. The use of energy saving bulbs would reduce consumption by 60% to 80%, accuracy zil 111 of the CERD. "If we remplaons across the country incandescent lamps by those energy performance contract, we can conomiser 48 billion kWh per year, or more than 60% of total electricity produced each year by the Three Gorges Dam "has underlined the dpartement protection of the environment zil 111 and the economy of energy under the NDRC. In January 2008, the NDRC and the Minister of Finance have launched a campaign to subsidize the national scale and promote the use of 150 million energy performance contract lamps, a goal contained in the 11 my five-year plan (2006-2010). The NDRC and the Minister of Finance have subsidized purchases wholesale bulbs energy performance zil 111 contract up to 30% and to 50% dtail. Editor-Hubert Chenut Rfrence China starts Outlining Action Plan to phase out incandescent lamps - Xinhua Press Agency Origin China BE ISSUE 56 (8/01/2009) - Embassy of France zil 111 in China / ADIT - http:/ /
RINO Verviers on 13/01/2009, 11:21 p.m. 0 Agree 0 Disagree ny'a you it not teflon in the composition of the Economic lamps. a toxic substance rapelon from certain temperature?? if someone could tell me more thank you Lavoisier on 15/01/2009, 10:13 p.m. 0 Agree 0 Disagree except that the electric heater in class B not ecxiste and the economy of the combination of coil and bass consomation zil 111 lamp is zero in heating period so the calculations must take into account the season and hard jiur of Fabien Thiais on 25/01/2009, 4:55 p.m. 0 Agree 0 Disagree No, tube bulbs economic discussed here contain mercury in very low quantities and should be recycled in the same way as any electronic devices. zil 111 The article does not prvoit accuracy zil 111 of this plan if the recycling of these bulbs after use. In France zil 111 this is supposed to be the case but I do not know any store that accepts! So I do not do too much illusions about China. Clement battery on 07/01/2011, 5:44 p.m. 0 Agree 0 Disagree how long incandescent bulbs and bulbs will they disappear halogne thank you
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