Bedno je biti svetilka na samotnem vogalu into sijali - ne Ves CEMU; grenko zreti noč za nočjo vedno iced obraze His, vsako jesen bolj temnih into starikavih; žalostno see pomenkovati KDO ve že like kdaj - svetilke so brez spomina - KDO ve doklej še z zaspanimi jutri into redkobesednimi nočmi o zdavnaj znanih, pradavnih ushio rečeh; grenko poslušati, kako enolično kaplja moonrise iz zvonika onkraj reke, zdolgočaseno, cow da se you into see nikoli ne stay Prav Nic zgodilo - le berth nai pričakuje svetilka na samotnem vogalu - čeprav see vrbe preoblačijo zdaj v zlato zdaj v Zeleno; klavrno gledati negiben, prikovan v azide, Kako prihajajo into odhajajo ptice, vsako Leto druge, ushio in čakati, da paglavec z Resonator pomerjenim kamnom pogodi Cilj.
It's miserable to be a lantern in a secluded corner and shine - for no one knows what; bitter stare night after night, always in the same building facades, each fall darker and older; sad talk no longer knows how long - lanterns are without memory - no one knows how long than with the sleepy mornings and curt nights of long ago known, ancient things; bitterly hear how monotonous time drops from the clock tower on the river, bored, like nothing at all and nothing will happen - but what should lantern expect in the solitary Hornet although the arrows dress albeit in gold than in green; pitiful look motionless, nailed to the wall, the birds will fly off, every year the second, ushio and wait, to a youth with a right facing stone hits the target.
1.1 Courses in Slovenian 1.2 Tutorial Slovenian 1.2.1 Tutorial: Slovenian A1 1.3 Language Courses in Slovenia 2. Slovenian A1 2.1. AB C ... 1 2 3 ... Gremo 2.2. Text reading A1 2.3. BYKI 3. Slovenian A2 3.2. Text Reading A2 4.1. S slovenščino ushio nimam težav 4.2. Text reading B1 5.1. Slovenian beseda v živo 2 5.2. Text reading B2 6.2. Text reading C1 7.2. Text Reading C2 DM Non-Resident Language Refresher Course New translations Slovene Word of the Day Slovene Word of the Day - Index Slovenian Beseda v živo 1 Text Reading Za začetek Introduction to Slovenian (grammar) ushio - Index Quick Slovenian grammar Quick Slovenian-Swedish dictionary Slovenian authors and their works - Index Slovenian language Architecture and Art Articles fiction ushio Movies History and cultural studies Reading Food culture and recipes Music Music Dictionaries Radio and Television Travel Tales set to music poems Translations
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